Diversion; Diversiones; Es para mearse de risa
= amusement, entertainment, pleasure, fun, diversion, funmaking.
Ex: Several hundred pages of information are available on each channel, concerned mainly with retail prices, share prices and amusement.
Ex: In Spain, posters and cartoons were used to convey the impression of reading as entertainment.
Ex: It may be that, apart from the simple pleasure of browsing, documents arranged on shelves, may be easily examined.
Ex: Maybe when that young author looks back in a few years" time, she"ll realize just how much more she got out of it than a bit of fun and fame.
Ex: Up to 1800 music was utilitarian whilst after that it was aimed more at amusement and diversion.
Ex: This annual event brings the whole community together for a full night of funmaking.
* lugar de diversión = playground.
* por diversión = for sport, for fun, (just) for the hell of it.